What Is A Life Coach?
(1.) An empowering listener who inner-stands you through deeply listening about what you desire.
(2.) An insightful, accountability partner who asks thoughtful questions to spark your own wisdom.
(3.) A strategic guide who co-creates tailored plans that support you in achieving your goals and becoming your best self.
(4.) An enthusiastic cheerleader who celebrates big and small wins with you while affirming your potential.
(5.) A dedicated and resourceful friend who caringly keeps you on track with love and motivation.
In other words, a sacred and focused ride-or-die accompanier along life's twists and turns.
H.E.A.R.T. Sessions (Healthy Energetics Amplifying Real Transformation)
H.E.A.R.T. sessions are unique. We use muscle testing and conscious dialog to locate the origin of a situation and then use body stances, tapping and/or affirmations to uncreate what no longer serves you within the given situation and create what does serve you. The specific protocol might seem complicated, but it is not. Sessions are relaxing, informative and transformative. Whereas other healing modalities require you to sit still or lay down, this modality requires your active engagement. Sessions can be done online or in person.
60 minute sessions are $150
90 minutes sessions are $225
2 hour sessions are $300
My mentorships are on Mediumship and Psychic Development. These are one-on-one mentoring sessions done virtually or in person. Join me today and start your journey into reading, understanding and managing your spiritual abilities.
After booking, I or my assistant will be in contact for which form of technology you want to use for the service. Because it takes time to update the scheduler, the times listed might not actually be available. You will receive an email within 24 hours if the selected time and day conflict and have to be rescheduled. You do not have to book all sessions at once. Just book one and we’ll schedule the following sessions later. See our cancellation policy here. Thank you!